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Arthoven® Tablets

Arthoven® Tablets

The ideal formulation for long-term care

Auto-immune arthritis, or commonly known as vata-rakta or aama-vata in Ayurveda, is a condition where treatment is mostly selective by nature. Acharyas have mentioned treatments like ama pachanam, sodhanam rakta prasadanam & vata samanam for the management of vata-rakta/ama-vata.

With the goodness of Amavatari kashayam & Guggulu, AVN Ayurveda has developed Arthoven which is the ideal formulation for the long term management of various aut0-immune disorders including auto-immune arthritis.

Product Indications

    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Post-viral arthritis
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Gouty arthritis

Effective Dosage

2 tablets twice daily before food

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Product Benefits And Features

    • Helps provide immuno-modulatory action
    • Helps reduce swelling
    • Helps prevent degeneration in the musculoskeletal system
    • Helps reduce pain
Arthoven® Tablets

Ingredients & Composition

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