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Cervilon® Soft Gel Capsules

Cervilon® Soft Gel Capsules

The first of its kind medication for the management of Cervical spinal problems Cervilon is the first product in the market for the specific indication of Cervical spondylosis. It has been created by AVN after years of clinical experience and validation coupled with modern pharmacological techniques. Being the most prescribed drug, the medication in Cervilon is a proprietary Ayurvedic taila which is prepared by processing Tila Taila with a variety of herbs like dasamoola, baladvaya, yashtimadhu & punarnava.

Product Indications

Herbovital® capsules are used to treat the following conditions in men:

    • Cervical Spondylosis
    • Cervical Radiculopathy
    • Cervical Myelopathy
    • Sprain / Spasm of the muscles in the cervical region

Effective Dosage

2 Capsules thrice daily before having food.

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Product Benefits And Features

    The ingredients in cervilon like Bala, Dasamoola, Yava, Kola, Kulattha, Ksheera processed with tila taila is very potent & helps in 

    • Stopping degeneration in the cervical spine 
    • Reversing neuronal damage in the nerves arising from the cervical spine 
    • Preventing formation of osteophytes 
    • Healing ligament injury in the cervical spine 
    • Relieving muscular pain & spasm in the cervical region 
    • Reducing symptoms of radiculopathy 

    That is why, “Cervilon is the most trusted and prescribed brand for the treatment of cervical spinal diseases” 

Cervilon® Soft Gel Capsules

Ingredients & Composition

In Cervical Spondylitis with inflammation

Cervilon 2-0-2 A/F + Zeotone Tablets 2-0-2 A/F + Maharasnadi Kashayam/ Kashayam Tablet 2-2-2 B/F

Cervical spondylosis with systemic vata kopa (presenting with symptoms like
Cervical Spondylosis with Chronic Stress
Cervical Spondylosis associated with Migraine

A Clinically Proven Solution for Cervical Spondylosis

A prospective, randomised Clinical Trial among patients with moderate and severe disease symptoms to compare the time course of pain reduction in patients treated with Cervilon, a soft gel capsule as stand alone therapy and Cervilon along with herbal oil application in the treatment of cervical spondylosis was conducted in partnership with KLE Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Belgavi.

There was over 75% reduction in pain in patients given with Cervilon

There was a reduction of over 70% in the parameters mentioned in the neck disability index

There was over 70% increase in the parameters mentioned in physician's global impression of change

There was over 35% increase in quality of life in patients given with Cervilon


01 Why is there a different product for lumbar spondylosis and cervical spondylosis?

Cervilon contains Vata-Hara Dravyas like Laghu and Madhura which act on the upper half of the body & hence is effective for cervical spinal disorders

02 When was Cervilon first launched?

03 Is Cervilon helpful in treating paralysis?

04 What is the recommended dose for Cervilon?

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